Apple、watchOS 4.1 beta 2を開発者に公開!
Appleが、watchOS 4.1 beta 2を開発者に公開しています。
beta 2では、Beats1を含むストリーミングラジオ局のLTEがサポートされています。また、iOS 11.1 beta 2でサポートされた数百種類の新絵文字も利用できます。
watchOS 4.1 beta 3
Notes and Known Issues
Activity Resolved Issues
- Activity no longer fails to remind you to stand 10 minutes before an hour in which you have not stood. (34351941)
Notifications Resolved Issues
- An app notifications forwarded from the iPhone to the Apple Watch now shows the app icon. (34533288)
Now Playing Resolved Issues
- Tapping the add button (+) when the iCloud Music Library is on no longer prompts the user to turn it on. (34807099)
Radio Resolved Issues
- The ESPN station now plays in Radio (33319434)
- The Radio app now supports Cellular connections. (34422913)
Siri Resolved Issues
- Siri speaks settings are now shown in Settings > General > Siri. (34521856)
beta 3の入手には、Appleの開発者登録が必要です。
(via 9 to 5 Mac)
Last Updated on 2017年10月17日 by Editor