Apple、iOS 11.1 beta 1を開発者に公開!バグの修正が中心
Appleが、iOS 11.1 beta 1を開発者に公開しています。
iOS 11.1 beta 1では、今のところ、フィードバックの返信フォームの変更以外は外観的な変更は確認されていません。
バグの修正やパフォーマンスの向上が中心のアップデートです。Apple Pay Cashなどの発表済みの新機能は搭載されていません。
iOS 11.1 beta 1の入手にはAppleの開発者登録が必要です。以下がリリースノートです。
Notes and Known Issues
Known Issues
- ContinuingfromabreakpointwhiledebugginganARSessionmayresultinVIObreaking. Any visual objects placed in the world/anchor are not visible. (31561202)
New Issues
- When using the TrueDepth front-facing camera on iPhone X, setting the capture device’s activeFormat to a binned video format (see AVCaptureDeviceFormat isVideoBinned) for capture and enabling delivery of camera calibration data causes the resulting AVCameraCalibrationData to contain invalid information for the intrinsicMatrix property. (34200225)
Workaround: Select an alternate capture format whose isVideoBinned property is false.
Note: Configuring a capture session using a session preset never selects binned formats.
Resolved Issues
- Stillcapturerequestsusingthe720p30videoformatwiththe depthDataDeliveryEnabled property of AVCapturePhotoSettings set to true now works correctly. (32060882)
- Depthvaluesinthenondefault160x120and160x90depthdataformatsnowreturnthe correct values. (32363942)
Resolved Issues
- Client certificate-based authentication now works for servers using TLS 1.0 and 1.1. (33948230)
Known Issues
- Storing data to a nondefault event store in EventKit may not work. (31335830)
New Issues
- Apps with a deployment target earlier than iOS 11 that subclass NSFileProviderExtension do not work on versions of iOS prior to 11. (34176623)
Resolved Issues
- NSURLSession and NSURLConnection now load URLs correctly when the system is configured with certain PAC files. (32883776)
Known Issues
- ClientsofNSURLSessionStreamTaskthatuseanon-secureconnectionfailtoconnect when an error occurs during PAC file evaluation and the system is configured for either Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) or Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC). A PAC evaluation failure can occur when the PAC file contains invalid JavaScript or the HTTP host serving the PAC file is unreachable. (33609198)
Workaround: Use startSecureConnection to establish a secure connection.
Location Services
Resolved Issues
- Data from an external GPS accessory is now accurately reported. (34324743)
Resolved Issues
- Silent push notifications are processed more frequently. (33278611)
Known Issues
- VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D is currently unavailable in Swift. (33191123)
- Facial landmarks identified by the Vision framework may flicker in temporal use casessuch as video. (32406440)
Known Issues
- Debugging a disabled Messages extension may cause the Messages app to crash. (33657938)Workaround: Enable the extension before starting the debug session.
- After a simulated iOS device starts up, it’s not possible to pull down Cover Sheet.(33274699)
Workaround: Lock and unlock the simulated device and then reopen Home screen.
Last Updated on 2017年9月28日 by Editor