Apple、macOS 10.12 beta 3[Build:16A254g]を開発者に公開!


Appleが、macOS 10.12 beta 3[Build:16A254g]を開発者に公開しています。修正点等は移管お通りです。

beta 3では、多くの修正がありますが、時間の関係でリリースノートのままを載せています。また、後ほど詳しい情報をアップします。

Fixed in this release

About This Mac

The Storage tab in About This Mac may not load if a volume has been unmounted.

The Purgeable and System sizes shown in the Storage tab of About This Mac may be incorrect.

Watched iTunes movies, TV shows, and podcasts will not be automatically deleted even though

Optimize Storage has been turned on.



On systems with AMD graphics, the system print dialog appears as a black box.


Apple Pay

Creating an Apple Pay for Web PaymentRequest with shipping address + contact will bring up the

payment sheet on iPhone but it will quit unexpectedly.

Apple Pay on the web transactions will not complete successfully on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.


Auto Unlock

Users may experience no internet connectivity after a successful Auto Unlock, followed by a reboot of

their Mac.


Back to my Mac

Back to my Mac cannot be started for some users.



The input and output data for the CIImageProcessor API is now ordered so the the upper-left-most

pixel is the first byte in the buffer.



If your iCloud storage is full, and you have items that have not yet uploaded to the cloud, you need to

force quit and relaunch iBooks in order to proceed with a storage upgrade.


Input Methods

Using the Trackpad Handwriting feature for Chinese may not work reliably when using trackpads that do not support Force Touch.

When using the Pinyin input method to type Chinese, uppercase typing incorrectly produces full-width Latin letters. Additionally, some of the keys may not produce the expected punctuation symbols.



Recovery install fails when Safari is used in Recovery environment.

Systems with FileVault enabled may hang at the login screen after updating.



Files attached to a blank email from 3rd-party applications may not be attached.



Adding an attachment, or deleting or moving notes may cause Notes to quit unexpectedly.



Search results for people are incorrect.

Comment badges may not appear in Shared Albums.



Safari may quit unexpectedly if the Smart Search field is clicked with no History or while History is still loading.



Users may encounter errors while sending Messages with Siri using relationships or during contact


Using Siri to search for Photos taken in a specific location has limited support.

When searching for photos with Siri, users may not see search results in the Photos app after it launches.

Responses are not supported in Malaysian.



Last Updated on 2017年10月13日 by Editor
